This month our wonderful hosts at AVID Property Group completed a step challenge across all their offices. We thought it was the perfect opportunity to ask what it’s like to participate in a step challenge!

Tell us a bit about Avid, including the company values.

We are an Australian property developer responsible for a portfolio of residential communities in key growth precincts across the eastern-seaboard of Australia. We are a diverse team where authenticity, innovation, versatility and dedication are the cornerstones of everything we do.

What inspired you to participate in the step challenge?

I decided to participate in the step challenge as I wanted to commit to not only being active, but bringing fitness to the forefront of my daily priorities. After almost two years of working from home in Melbourne, so much incidental activity was lost – until it’s taken away from you, you don’t realise how much walking around the office, and to and from work really gets your steps up!

What did you enjoy most about the challenge?

My favourite part of the challenge was the opportunity it gave me to connect with colleagues on something that wasn’t work related. We all really enjoyed sharing funny stories, tips for incorporating fitness and of course, it bought out the competitive side in everyone. I also really enjoyed getting my family in on the fun too, which in turn helped me get my steps in.

How hard was it to stay motivated?

I didn’t find it hard to stay motivated, but having experienced two isolations during the challenge period, it was often challenging to come up with creative ways to get my steps in around the house.

Did you or others get creative with how they got their steps up – for example, walking on the spot at their desk?

Isolation meant I had to get very, very creative with how I got my steps up. I did lots of walking on the spot at my desk, at the kitchen sink… really, wherever I could move my feet, I was getting my steps in.


To book in your organisation’s Step Challenge contact Amy Hyslop via the contact form.